God Of Grace, O Let Thy Light

MIDI for God Of Grace, O Let Thy Light
God of grace, O let Thy light

Bless our dim and blinded sight;

Like the day-spring on the night,

Bid Thy grace to shine.

To the nations led astray

Thine eternal love display:

Let Thy truth direct their way

Till the world be Thine.

Praise to Thee, the faithful Lord;

Let all tongues in glad accord

Learn the good thanksgiving word,

Ever praising Thee.

Let them moved to gladness sing,

Owning Thee their Judge and King;

Righteous truth shall bloom and spring

Where Thy rule shall be.

Praise to Thee, all faithful Lord;

Let all tongues in glad accord

Speak the good thanksgiving word,

Heart rejoicing praise.

So the fruitful earth's increase,

Bounty of the God of peace,

Never in its course shall cease

Through the length of days;

While His grace our life shall cheer,

Furthest lands shall own His fear,

Brought to Him in worship near,

Taught His mercy's ways.





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