Gospel Message Sent, The

The Gospel message sent-

Is echoed back again,

From lips in prayer and praise,

And this the sweet refrain:

That Jesus died for me-

Dear Lamb of Calvary.

The echo from each heart,

In answer to the call-

Is "Here am I, O Lord-

Lo! at Thy feet I fall;

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

I trust alone in Thee."

Its echoing strains are heard

From palace and from cot-

From lips of age and youth-

His blood can cleanse each spot;

Dear Lamb of Calvary,

I come, I come to Thee.

Oh, let the Gospel sound

In all the land abroad,

And send the echo round,

In honor of our Lord-

The Lamb of Calvary,

Has died to ransom Thee.





Today's Poll