I Have Read Of A Beautiful City

I have read of a beautiful city,

Far away in the kingdom of God;

I have read how its walls are of jasper,

How its streets are all golden and broad;

In the midst of the street is life's river,

Clear as crystal and pure to behold;

But not half of that city's bright glory

To mortals has ever been told.


Not half has ever been told;

Not half has ever been told;

Not half of that city's bright glory

To mortals has ever been told.

I have read of bright mansions in Heaven,

Which the Savior has gone to prepare;

And the saints who on earth have been faithful,

Rest forever with Christ over there;

There no sin ever enters, nor sorrow,

The inhabitants never grow old;

But not half of the wonderful story

To mortals has ever been told.


I have read of white robes for the righteous,

Of bright crowns which the glorified wear,

When our Father shall bid them, "Come, enter,

And My glory eternally share";

How the righteous are evermore blessed

As they walk through the streets of pure gold;

But not half of the wonderful story

To mortals has ever been told.


I have read of a Christ so forgiving,

That vile sinners may ask and receive

Peace and pardon for every transgression,

If when asking they only believe.

I have read how He'll guide and protect us,

If for safety we enter His fold;

But not half of His goodness and mercy

To mortals has ever been told.






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