To The Feet Of My Savior In Trembling And Fear
To the feet of my Savior in trembling and fear,
A penitent sinner I came;
He saw, and in mercy, He bade me draw near;
All glory and praise to His Name.
He touched me and thus made me whole;
Bringing comfort and rest to my soul;
O glad happy day, all my sins rolled away!
For He touched me and thus made me whole.
I knew not the tender compassion and love
That Jesus, my Savior, had shown;
Tho' burdened with grief, His dear hand brought relief,
He healed me and called me His own.
"My grace is sufficient,"
I heard His dear voice,
"O come and find rest for your soul;
From sin you to save, My life freely I gave;
I died that you might be made whole."
O Jesus, dear Jesus, Thy Name I adore,
For saving and keeping my soul;
Thy praises I'll sing, my Redeemer and King,
Thy dear, loving hand made me whole.