We Shall Reach The River Side

We shall reach the river side

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

We shall cross the stormy tide

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

We shall press the sands of gold,

While before our eyes unfold

Heaven's splendors, yet untold,

Some sweet day, some sweet day.

We shall pass inside the gate,

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

Peace and plenty for us wait

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

We shall hear the wondrous strain,

Glory to the Lamb that's slain,

Christ was dead, but lives again,

Some sweet day, some sweet day.

We shall meet our loved and own

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

Gath'ring round the great white throne

Some sweet day, some sweet day;

By the tree of life so fair,

Joy and rapture everywhere,

O the bliss of over there!

Some sweet day, some sweet day.





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