Non-Denominational Churches in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Use our directory of churches, synagagues and places of worship to find a place of worship near you. Our directory of churches, synagagues and places of worship is updated daily and includes all of the necessary contact information we could find for you!

Are you the head parishioner of a church, synagague or place of worship? Contact us to feature you parish in our directory and to include additional information, such as photos.


Bridgeway Church
228 W Hefner Rd
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114
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Christian Life Fellowship
1400 NW 12th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
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Church On the Rock
PO Box 720006
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73172
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PO Box 779
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
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Crossings Community Church
14600 N Portland Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134
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Divine Guidance Assembly-Faith
PO Box 14628
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73113
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Grace Covenant Church
2600 NW 55th Pl
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112
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Jesus' Church
2201 NE 15th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117
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Life Christian Ministries
6801 S Anderson Rd
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73150
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Living Word Fellowship
3000 N Santa Fe Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
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New Church
9201 N Rockwell Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132
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North Mac Arthur Church-Christ
9300 N Macarthur Blvd
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132
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Praise Assembly Ministries
3540 SE 15th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73115
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Southern Ridge Church-Christ
2237 SW 134th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
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Westmoore Community Church
12609 S Western Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
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World Wide Church of God
7221 Lyrewood Ln
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132
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